1-On-1 Training One Day Class
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$60 per each Additional Student
- 1-on-1 training / One day class
- 6 hour class with 1 hour break
- Virtual Video Conference or On-Site at Your Location
Training by an internet marketing expert.
Training will be held by an expert in internet marketing with proven SEO track record and deep understanding how search engines work. One session will save you many headaches and potentially wasted time. Our SEO instructor is technically savvy, but they are business oriented as well. We want you to succeed by having the best ROI (Return On Investment) possible by staying reasonable in your projections and expectations.
Onsite Training or Video Conference
At your office, home, conference room.. you name it. Training at your location, at your convenience. If you choose to have a video conference interface, recording the session is optional when using your Zoom (or similar) connection.
Course Material Covers the Following Topics:
- Organic & Paid Results
- Basics of HTML
- Onsite SEO – Factors and Optimization
- Keyword Research
- Blogs and Content Marketing Strategies
- Understanding Backlinks & Anchor Text
- Backlink Relevancy
- Spamming & Penalties
- Local Organic Listings
- Google My Business Page
- Local Citations
- Moving Sites & Pages – Redirects
How Does It Work?
REQUEST – Request a tutoring session, contact us online.
GET CONFIRMATION – We will review your request and get back to you shortly to finalize your appointment. If we are booked for the date/time you specified in your request we’ll work with you to find a different date and time that suits you.
DONE! – That’s it! Enjoy your session at your location!