Last week I set up another website as a wordpress blog. This new site is a personal blog I’ll be using to record my gardening adventures.
It’s also the 5th blog I have online that I am personally responsible to maintain. Each of my blogs has a different login page, usernames and passwords. A few of the blogs have suffered neglect as my focus has changed, but now I feel like I can spin all those plates again easily with my discovery of Windows Live Writer.
Microsoft offers a free downloadable and describes all the jazzy features of this program HERE. I downloaded it in a free software pack from Microsoft recently to get my hands on Windows Movie Maker, and Live Writer was included.
You can enter multiple blog accounts, compose and edit posts offline so there isn’t anymore lag time and inserting images is so easy I couldn’t believe it. Once you enter the info you don’t need to login over and over and you can see and edit all your recent posts or pages from any blog account you have saved. It also shows you what your post will look like using your blog’s style as you type it, so you don’t have to publish and cross your fingers that it’ll look write when you view your blog.
I’m loving it so far and it’s so user friendly I can (and am) recommending it to all my clients who maintain their own blogs.