
  • Self Defense Update and New Site Features

    Self Defense Academy in Howell, NJ needed to make some pretty significant updates to their website recently so since we needed to revisit so many pages for changes, I decided to offer up some new features to add while we were there. Graphically we changed the header and footer on every page. We updated the…

  • Professional VS. Personal

    As someone who is interested in promoting her own company as well as her client’s companies on the web, I’ve found myself wondering where to draw the line when it comes to promoting the person vs. the company. This is especially true when the client is a small business and one individual is responsible for…

  • Pizza Alla Gargiulo’s Website Launch!

    Please visit the new site and let me know your feedback about design and browser compatibility! If you are in Jersey City, NJ – stop by for lunch or dinner and tell them that their webmaster Lisa says Hello! (then do us a favor and go leave them a nice review somewhere online… 🙂…

  • A fresh start.

    We are re-launching a website with a brand new name, logo and website address. The business has been restructured and so changes needed to be made. The previous url was getting good traffic under local searches, so the challenge is to see if we can do it again – and of course, to try to…

  • Choose your url carefully.

    I found this on a friend’s blog today and wanted to post it here. Very funny: All of these are legitimate companies that didn’t spend quite enough time to consider how their online name might appear! These are not made up. Check them out yourself!    1. ‘Who Represents’ is where you can find the…

  • Invisible ads may get your business SEEN online.

    A company recently requested me as a network contact on I have to give this guy credit. It’s a great idea, he’s working to promote it, the ads are cheap and even though it could use a slicker look – he’s gonna make some money with it. As a person who does website…

  • More on FOAF, thanks to mglcel

    ok mglcel, I checked out your and I’m going to make a foaf file there. Oh, I’d never heard of geekcode before and I thought it would be fun so I played along for a while but it got soooo looong and out of date that I didn’t finish it. I’m also not afraid…

  • Undergoing MyBlogLog Verification